Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a day but I got my workout in tonight!

Today was a long day because we had our first scrimmage. The little guys were not focused the first game but played great the second game.

I had a good workout last night for hamstring despite being tired. I was able to pull 600lbs in dead last night without a belt or straps! My new training style is really help strengthing my deads again.

Tonight I did a basic Shoulder and Tricep workout. I was being careful because I fell some tightness in my right tricep.

Fitness tip: Disapline

Motivation:Kind words are like honey-sweet to the soul and healthy to the body. Proverbs 16:24

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Busy week!

What busy week this has been but I was able to get my workouts in. Today was chest and biceps.

Flat bench dumbbell presses
Incline Barbell
Flat Bench Camber Bar presses
Incline DB
DB flyes
Cable Crossovers
EZ Bar Curls
Cable curls
Standing DB curls
Hammer curls

Good week of football practice. It is so fun coaching football. The little guys are putting so much into practice.

Fitness Tip: You must eat 4-6 small meals to lose weight and burn fat!

Motivation:Proverbs 6:6 Take a lesson from the ants, lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday night

Tonight was back night after practice. Very good basic workout! I should have eaten right after practice but I didn't and I can tell the difference.

I was so happy that one of my clients have lost 12 lbs in in 6 weeks. She is so happy because her abs are coming through!

Fitness tip: Do not believe the miracle pills or diets.

Motivation: What makes a champion is a person who gets knocked down but then get up!

Training at night

Tonight I decided to train after football practice with the team. I help coach the running backs on my son's team.

It was back day!
Barbell Rows
T-Bar Rows
Trap Bar Rows
Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell High pulls
Dumbbell Snatches
Pulldown to the front, and rear
Straight arm pulldowns
High rows to the chest
Dumbbell Seated bentover rear lateral raises
Good workout for training right after practice.

Fitness Tip: Do not believe that those miracle pills work!

Motivation: Do you follow the two commandments God ask us to follow?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sundays workout

Today was a shoulder/tricep workout at a friends garage. I love training at his house because he has all the basic powerlifting equipment to get big. I love it also because I get to listen to my music.
Workout: Barbell Board Presses
Floor Presses
Standing Barbell Military Presses
Behind the neck barbell presses
Plate Front Raises
DB side laterials

Close Grip Barbell Press
Incline Barbell Close Grip
Decline Barbell Extensions

Cardio Circuit:
Jump roping, on all fous and chopping feet, V-ups on all fours,crunches and dips.

I had an awesome workout. Since my injury a few weeks ago, my new training style has been awesome.

I did have a awesome day with little ones before I took them home to their mother. We clean house, laundry,watched movies, and recording wwe summerslam for my son.

Fitness Tip: It is not about the weight loss but about the fat you take off!

Motivation: Always try to be the best at the gift God has given you!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My morning workout!

This morning my workout was running the bleachers 10x, 50 yard sprints with the parachute attached 5x, and football field suicides. Football suicides is when you start on the 50 yard line, then run to the 40 and then back to other 40 then to the other 30 and then to 30, then 20 to 20, then 10 to 10, and then the goal line. If you don't understand the workout it is in this month's muscle and Fitness!

Fitness tip: If you workout in the morning on a empty stomach you burn more fat and calories!

Motivation: Always start off with a small goal. God did not build the world over night.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Relaxing Day

What a day of relaxing! I have been on the go the whole summer. It was nice to just sit at home with my little ones today. I am going to clean the house a little, take my son to football practice, and hopefully go to the gym.
Sometimes I wonder what God had planned for me but I have to continue to seek him to find out!